Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why I don't want to go to IIT

Hey everyone!!
So it's that time of the year again, when commercies ("commerce students" aka people with foresight) dust off their books and actually open 'em and us poor sciencies ("science students" aka the crazys) are going crazy working our asses off to get into a "good" college, which for most people happens to be one of the IITs, which is the acronym for Institute of Infinite Torture, Institute of Indian Technology, etc. These institutes of so-called national importance were set up by the Indian Parliament at various campuses across India, decided purely on merits of political alliances of the ruling party. Operation IIT began under Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to reduce the average intelligence of Indians. Just like Zion in Matrix, where 3% of the people who do not accept the Matrix are gathered together to prevent dissent as a whole, IITs were formed by the Government of India to gather at one place the 3% of the intelligentsia of the country and export them away. The IITs have proved to be very productive, growing from a single institute in 1951 to 16 now (and counting).

The admission to IIT is via an exam called JEE. Various definitions for JEE have been suggested. The most commonly accepted of them is "Just Engineering and Engineering". The geeks and nerds of India start preparing for IIT-JEE right after entering kindegarten. A very effective test of whether a guy is fit for getting into the IITs is asking a very simple question: "Do you have a girlfriend"? A guy who says anything else other than "What's a girl?" would not get through the test. Girls are considered unfit to get into IITs, though some girls manage to get the application forms as they look like guys. To make sure no girl gets through the system by bribing to get the application forms, the applicants are required to specify their gender and affix a photograph in the application form. Those faces that resemble anything girly are not selected.

Fig 1.21 (b): What the IIT-JEE topper looks like

The entrance exam, IIT-JEE, is an extremely selective undergrad admission process (accepting less than 3% of their applicants). Whether it is extremely selective or extremely rejective has always been an issue of debate. Sources close to the institute say that it was designed to teach the masses how to face rejection. The original plan was to reject everyone, but the fallout was that people stopped taking the test. Eventually they had to invent IITs so as to inspire people to take the test.

As they say, if the input is right, the output is automatically right. The six-hour Joint Entrance Exam held, as the name suggests, jointly by IITs. Since Indians are well known for cramming up loads of information, questions in JEE are never repeated.

But then there's the elite few who don't really want to go to an IIT: The enlightened ones - a not so secret cult that chooses to reject outrght the dominance of the IITs on the college scene and want to join other colleges like MIT (Manipal Insti. of Tech LOL), CalTech (Calcutta), and of course - the very prestigious AMITY NOIDA!!

Here's in a nutshell why i don't want to go to an IIT-

The Average IIT-ians room

"Non-males" at IIT

The cool crowd @ IIT

phew!! That's been one long post.. i might add some more video if i find something worth sharing. If you guys find something, put it in the comments!!

1 comment:

Tripthi Battapadi said...

Oh my god!
IIT ians are ...*_*!